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June 2023 activity programme at the Unity Hubb

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

There’s lots of exciting stuff to get involved with in June at the Unity Hubb, including a couple of celebrations – one to say a fond farewell to team member Janey and another to launch the Fire Station.


Keep your hands busy on Mondays with some crafty sessions. We also have a careers clinic to help you sort your CV, application writing and interview technique.

Busy Hands Group

12-2pm, every Monday in June

Careers Clinic

1-3pm, 5th & 19th June


Try some Chair Yoga, a wellbeing, or getting stitching at the Fire Station on a Tuesday. We also have an extra special celebration to launch the Fire Station on the 20th June.

Chair Yoga

11am-12pm, every Tuesday in June

Wellbeing session

12-1pm, every Tuesday in June

Stitch & Sew

1-3pm, 6th, 18th & 27th June, at the Fire Station

Fire station launch celebration

1-3pm, 20th June


Check our Men’s Group on a Wednesday, Chai & Chat – including a Bollywood special on the 7th June, and you can Grow and Talk with Faith at the allotments.

Unity Hubb Men’s Group

10am-12pm, every Wednesday in June

Women’s Chai & Chat

12-2pm, every Wednesday in June

Grow & Talk with Faith

12-2pm, 14th, 21st & 28th June, at the allotments


There’s Stay and Play, Ladies Fitness and the popular Cook Together, Eat Together sessions at the Hubb on a Thursday. We also have free employability training at the Fire Station on four Thursdays this month.

Stay and Play

9-11am, every Thursday in June

Ladies Fitness

11:30am-12:30pm, every Thursday in June

Cook Together Eat Together

12:30-2pm, every Thursday in June

Free Employability Training

11:30am-2pm, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th June, at the Fire Station


Mary, our Community Network Support Officer, is at the Hubb every Friday this week to offer help and advice. We also have a farewell party on 2nd June to say goodbye to the lovely Janey, who has been a fantastic part of the Hubb!

Community Network support Officer sessions

10am-2pm, every Friday in June

Janey’s Farewell Party

11am-2pm, 2nd June

If you have any questions about any of the activities or want to register with the Hubb, get in touch with us via email

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