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May activity programme at the Unity Hubb

There’s plenty to get involved with this May at the Unity Hubb.


Our Stay & Play group starts in May and we have the usual Monday Busy Hands Group. From the 16th May the Busy Hands will taking part in Stitching Workshops to make Commonwealth Games gifts.

Stay & Play

9:30-11:30am, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th May

Busy Hands Group

12-2:30pm, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th May


We have chair yoga in the morning and a reflexology and holistic session over lunch time, perfect for an energised yet relaxing Tuesday!

Please note the Hubb is closed on 24th May, so sessions will take place outside, depending on the weather.

Chair Yoga

11am-12pm, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st May

Reflexology/Holistic session

12:30am-1:30pm, 24th and 31st May


We have lots of garden-based activity on a Wednesday, with the Happy Place Project (see our blog post about it here) from 10am, then Grow & Talk from 12:30pm.

We also have Chai & Chat, with separate sessions for men and women to get together and talk, and Mary, the community network support worker, will be in to answer any questions you might have.

Plus, we have our Girls Group from 4pm. And on 25th May we have the Unity Hubb celebration afternoon, with our lovely members bringing along a dish to share and celebrate being part of this amazing community, we hope you can join us!

Community Network support worker session


Happy Place Project


Men’s Chai & Chat


Women’s Chai & Chat

12:30-2:30pm, 4th, 11th, 18th May

Unity Hubb Celebration Afternoon

12-3pm, 25th May

Grow & Talk with Faith


Girls Group



We are starting Ladies Fitness sessions at the Hubb from the 12th May, it’s for women aged 45+ and you need to be registered with the Muslim Sports Foundation to join – use this link to register.

We also have our weekly Careers Café, with advice on all aspects of job hunting, and our fortnightly Hearing & Sight loss support.

Every other week the B-Men Together group will be taking place at Christchurch on Burney Lane. And as always we have Cook Together, Eat Together. Why not pop down and get involved!

Focus Hearing & Sight

9:30am-12:30pm, 5th and 19th May

Careers Café – CV Support, Interview technique, job search


Ladies Fitness

11:30am-12:30pm, 12th, 19th and 26th May

Cook Together Eat Together


B-Men Together

7:30-8pm, 12th and 26th May: Christchurch, Burney Lane, B8 2AS


On 6th and 27th May Kemi will be at the Hubb for the Women in Conversation session, a programme, created for women to engage in sensitive and liberating conversations, with other women of diverse faiths and cultural backgrounds.

Women in Conversation with Kemi

10:30am-1pm, 6th and 27th May

If you have any questions about any of the activities or want to register with the Hubb, get in touch with us via email

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